May 29, 2020
Photons Canada news

Photonics North 2020 – A great conference

Photonics North 2020, a great success

On May 28,2020 Photonics North in a virtual setting wrapped up.

We are very proud of the participating members of Photons Canada that have contributed in a significant manner to the success of this Canadian Photonics meeting on-line helping to showcase the vibrant Photonics community of Canada.

With a participation of 480 attendees from 22 Countries and a lineup of 245 Canadian and international guest presenters, we would consider this as a very successful event in the current circumstances.

With Subjects reaching from Biophotonics to Optical Communication, Green photonics to AI in Photonics and a Market update done by Robert Corriveau from CPIC about the Canadian Photonics growth in the last couple of years coupled with the Market presentation by Stephen Anderson from SPIE as a keynote Speaker have provided a very packed agenda and showcased the variety of Photonics applications. It also highlighted the variety of Photonics enabled technologies in the Canadian and worldwide markets.

I hope that you enjoyed it and see you next year, hopefully in person, at Photonics North 2021 in Niagara Falls from May 31 to June 2, 2021.

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