Frequently asked questions

How can we help? Don't hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.

Photons Canada is a Canadian not-for-profit corporation incorporated under the name of Canadian Photonics Industry Consortium.

We have two types of membership: Corporate Members, which includes industry, universities and institutions, and Individual Members, which includes professionals and students.

The annual membership fee for Corporate Members is:

  • Industry (More than 100 employees): $2,000
  • Industry (20 – 100 employees): $1,000
  • Industry (Less than 20 employees):
  • Universities & Institutions: $1000

The annual membership fee for Individuals is:

  • Individuals: $100
  • Students: $20

For more information on membership, visit Become a Member.

Any questions?

Contact us at or fill out the online application form.

Become a member

Gain access to unique benefits, expand your business and show your support for the Canadian photonics sector. Join today!