LAB2FAB organized by CMC Microsystems will be taking place in Whistler
LAB2FAB will be taking place Sept 25-27 in Whistler. Early bird registration discounts end this week and the deadline for booking hotels at the discounted rate is Aug 23.
If you have not been attending the virtual seminar series, you may have missed some of the upcoming event highlights.
Session 1 is entitled Lab of the Future and it will lead participants in a discussion related to the innovations in the usage and management of nanofabrication labs. Guest speakers from Optelligence and AEPONYX Inc.
Guest speakers from A.M Fitzgerald & Associates and Luceda Photonics will lead session #2 “Bridging Discovery to Production” and will discuss positioning technology development for commercialization and scale-up.
The newly added “R&D Milestones and Future Talent” session lead by guest speakers from Zinite and Nanotech and TransEON Inc will discuss and share company vision, technology goals and R&D milestones. The Rising Stars feature will round out this session and include student engagement.
The final session “Photonic Integrated Circuits and the Canadian Ecosystem” features guest speakers from UBC and Sanmina and will discuss the flourishing ecosystem view of the silicon photonics value chain in Canada.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available.
Full program details, speaker bios and virtual seminar series schedule are online at
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